Commercial Sanitization
You Can Trust

Let StoneGate make your workspace team member friendly and customer ready

StoneGate Industries Cleaning

We are a Full-Service Commercial Cleaning and Remediation Company

We provide distinct professional COVID-19 sanatory prevention cleaning, site disinfection, and internal workspace policies support for public and commercial offices.

COVID-19 Services


Use of high intensity fogger to spray EPA-approved viral killing solvents

Touch-Point Disinfecting

Cleaning and sanitizing of all high-traffic contact surfaces

Site Recommendations

Customization of workplace protocols based on most up to date CDC and OSHA recommendations

Workspace Communications

Cultivation of language that most effectively articulates to your community your business’ response to COVID-19 ensuring customer buy-in and comfort

About COVID-19 Services

Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) has attacked the fundamental basis of our society. Taking the lives of our loved ones, shaking our healthcare system, disrupting our common social practices, and hindering our business operations. Since the onset of this pandemic, StoneGate Cleaning has answered the call, swiftly and effectively, serving as the premier DC Metropolitan area provider in COVID-19 Sanitization and Industrial Disinfection. 


The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a viral agent that can last on surfaces up to 17 days, while majority of individuals exposed show no symptoms for approximately two weeks after infection. Without the proper attention and routine disinfection to your workspace, coronavirus can lead to continued adverse effects on your business operations and detrimental health effects to your team members and customers. 


StoneGate leadership has over 30 years of operational experience in the field of environmental health and safety. We strictly follow the most up to date procedures provided by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention for the most optimal solutions to kill viral agents with EPA registered disinfectants. 

Request A Quote Today!

StoneGate Industries Cleaning is one of the most respected commercial cleaning and remediation companies in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area. We specialize in distinct professional COVID-19 sanitory prevention cleaning and site disinfection. StoneGate is licensed, bonded, and insured.